Some MK results
November 13th, 2013
Examples of benefits experienced by clients
- A woman in her early twenties sustained a knee injury at the gym. Using Motivational Kinesiology techniques, an underlying belief was identified.This young woman had convinced herself she was not OK because she never knew her father. She sobbed uncontrollably and, after releasing her pent up emotions, was able to walk virtually pain free.
- My old cattle dog had injured his shoulder. Using the MK correction the dog was quickly up and running about.
- A young man was suffering severe cramps (in the main street of our local township). A quick, on the spot correction, reduced the pain and enabled him to move freely. Afterwards he mentioned he had played basketball all day without a single drink of water.
- A man was unable to work and had a lot of self doubt. After one session he returned to work and started to turn his life around.A gentleman had pain and stiffness in his left hip. Three weeks later he rang, happy in the fact his hip had freed up and he was able to run again.
- A students young daughter had a fever. The mother simply used the Motivational Kinesiology correction (without any kinesiology) and the fever ?disappeared?. Dad was shown the correction and weeks later used it when his son came down with a fever.
- A koala with her baby was handed into the local ranger with eye problems and very lethargic. A surrogate balance was carried out and next day the koala was much more aware of her surroundings and latest reports is she is doing well.
- A student rang excited he had achieved a medium term goal. Before each workshop we ask students to set two goals, one for the day and the other longer term.
- A lady had poor vision and during the Motivational Kinesiology Level Two workshop looked up and noted how she could see peoples facial features clearer.
- An older lady with long term breathing problems felt her breathing improve and her diaphragm relax after the oxygenation correction.
- A lady with a very tight back could hardly lean forward. After the general flexibility correction from MK One she was moving and bending with noticeably more ease and range of movement.
- A young boy?s writing was sloppy and sloped up to the right. The statement, ?I can Do it? was repeated with the correction. Afterwards his writing was neater, level and he suggested he was writing faster.
- A man was having heart palpitations. Using the Motivational Kinesiology correction he was able to control these attacks within minutes. His heart would stop racing with no side effects.
- A lady was terrified of frogs. After the Motivational Kinesiology phobia correction she able to look at a frog without having a breathing attack.