
Ionisation Time to get Negative

Jun 3, 2014 at 17:05

The body is an electromagnetic system which operates best when the positive/negative balance is correct.

What are Ions?

Ions are molecules that have gained or lost an electrical charge. Negative ions (ion donors) are created in nature as air molecules break apart due to sunlight, radiation, and moving air and water. They are odourless, tasteless, and invisible and are inhaled in abundance in certain environments such on the beach, beneath a waterfall or immediately after thunderstorms. This energy is referred to as manna or prana.

Ionisation and Weather.

There is a build up of positive ions before a storm which can have an effect on our electrical systems, the positive ion concentration becomes more than three times the amount of negative ions. If the barometer is falling, humans and animals can become prone to illness or accidents, stupid mistakes and irrational anger. The full moon increases positive ion ratios, which accounts for the strange and aggressive behaviour noted by police and medical services. Studies show that 75% of the population is noticeably and adversely affected by positive ion ratios.

More suicide attempts take place, greater numbers and more serious accidents occur on the highways and in factories, and an elevated incidence of fainting spells seem to occur. An analysis of the records of some 2000 public school students showed that their "conduct" marks sagged noticeably before a storm.

Studies have shown that the natural oscillation frequency of the atmosphere field of seven to ten hertz ( cycles per second) is the same as our brain's alpha state, our most relaxed yet alert state of being. This natural field oscillation, coupling with your own brain waves, enhances your alertness and improves your reaction time.

On the other hand, the three to five hertz wave produced by weather activity were shown to cause an increased reaction time. Slow reaction time may be dangerous under certain circumstances. This lengthened time that it takes for a driver to respond to an emergency situation, for example, produces a 31 - 41 percent increase in traffic accidents, quite measurable by the National Safely Council. Positive ion air increases physical discomforts including headaches and nausea to rheumatic twinges. Wound healing can slow, while the risk of infection accelerates.

Tension and depression/anxiety are certainly more common. Many psychiatrists agree that positive ionisation contributes to the cracking of "fringe personalities," and sets off some mental conditions. On summer ?dog days?, when the positive ion index climbs, more neurotics slip across into pathological psychosis than at other times. The incidence of sex crimes rise, as do all categories of property and personal crimes. Increased incidence of violence, road rage, theft, bank robberies, and shoplifting become serious commercial and cultural problems.

 Excess Positive Ions may damage cells and are often thought of as a contributor to the deterioration of our physical and emotional well being. In 1984, a study was published in the "Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology" named, "Negative Air Ionization Improves Memory and Attention in Learning-Disabled and Mentally Retarded Children." The effectiveness of negative ions on mental performance was tested by researching the power of negative ions to improve the cognitive abilities of mentally handicapped children, as well as the abilities of normal children.

Our modern homes, offices and class rooms seal out negative ions forcing us to live in environments that are unhealthy.

Contributing factors include:

Positive ions make us feel tired, depressed and irritable.

Negative ions can reduce our negative thoughts and feelings.

Effects of Positive Ions on our body:

Wearing insulated shoes, working indoors, especially around electrical equipment, drinking acid forming beverages, soft drinks, coffee etc., wearing synthetic clothes also contribute to a positive ion overload.

After a lightning storm, most of us feel invigorated and refreshed as trillions of negative ions have been generated.


Ions and Metabolism

Free radicals are highly reactive, imbalanced molecules that are the byproducts of normal metabolism and are also associated with the human ageing process. Free radicals borrow electrons from stabile cells to neutralise their own charge, causing cellular damage and can cause or worsen almost any malady possible including respiratory issues.  Just the opposite of what oxygen does in its ability to bring cells back to life, positive ions take away the healthy parts to feed their need for life force. It is like a positive energy vampire sucking our vitality.

Negative ions prevent acidification of the blood, which is caused by the loss of electrons. Being in a negative ion rich environment improves the body?s immunity and resistance to illness.

Metabolism is the process of acquiring nutrients from the blood and excreting waste out of the body, which is extremely important to the human cells. The more negative ions there are in the blood, the more efficient the cell's metabolism process.

On the contrary, the more positive ions there are in the blood, the slower and less efficient the cell's metabolism. This causes the body's cells to become weak and the body will tend to get sick more easily and aged faster. Generally speaking, negative ions increase the flow of oxygen to the brain; resulting in:

Eating a alkaline diet rich in fruit and vegetables, drinking alkaline water and using ionisation breathing techniques and spending time in a negative ion environment are all going to be health enriching,

Benefits of Negative Ions

Scientific studies indicate that atmospheres charged with negative ions relieve:

It's also been shown that negatively ions improve performance of voluntary movement, increase work capacity, sharpen mental functioning, and reduce error rates.

High Density Negative Ionizers appear to act as a specific antidepressant for patients with seasonal affective disorder (SAD). according to studies at Columbia University and the New York State Psychiatric Institute.

Negative ions have been shown to stem bacteria growth and precipitate many airborne contaminants including:

Studies Proving the Effectiveness of Negative Ions

Negative ions help prevent respiratory-related illnesses.

In a study conducted in a Swiss textile mill, negative ionizers were placed in two, 60' by 60' rooms, each containing 22 employees. In one room, the negative ion electronic air cleaner was turned on during the course of the study. In the other room, the negative ion air purifier was permanently turned off, although the employees in this room were led to believe they were working in a room enriched by negative ions. During this six-month study, a total of 22 sick days were lost by employees working in the room in which the negative ionizer was operating. In the room where the machine was not operating, a total of 64 days were lost to sickness. During a month-long flu epidemic, the first group lost a total of 3 days to sickness, while the second group lost a total of 40 days to sickness (Stark, 1971).

In a test involving a Swiss bank office, one group of 309 worked in a negative iontreated environment. A second group of 362 worked in an untreated environment. Over the next several months, for every day lost to respiratory illness (cold, flu, laryngitis, etc.) in group one, 16 days were lost to respiratory illness in group two (Soyka, 1991). In a Surrey University study at the Norwich Union Insurance Group headquarters, eight negative ion generators were placed in the computer and data preparation section. Before the test, the research team spent a month compiling incident rates for complaints of sickness and headaches. During the test in which the negative ion air purification systems were in operation, incidents of sickness and headaches were reduced by 78%. After testing was completed, the Norwich Union opted to keep the negative ion electronic air cleaners (Soyka, 1991).

Negative ions counteract the effects of smoking. High levels of negative ions neutralize the effect that tobacco smoke has on the cilia. Cilia are the microscopic hairs located in the trachea that move rapidly back and forth to prevent pollutants and toxins from traveling into the vulnerable areas of the respiratory tract. The faster the cilia move, the more effective they are. However, tobacco smoke slows down the ciliary beat, diminishing the body's ability to keep

Negative ions are exceedingly beneficial for a person's metabolism as a means of enhancing human behavior. They act in a complex mechanism to bring about hormone and biochemical reactions in the body and brain.

It is impossible to get an overdose of negative ions, which act like pure water in washing away dirty poisons.

Generally, the more negative ions you are exposed to, the better and more uplifted you feel.

Negative ions may increase the flow of oxygen to the brain; resulting in higher alertness, decreased drowsiness, and more mental energy," says Pierce J. Howard, PhD, author of The Owners Manual for the Brain: Everyday Applications from Mind Brain Research and director of research at the Center for Applied Cognitive Sciences in Charlotte, N.C.

At the University of Pennsylvania's Graduate Hospital and at Northeastern and Frankford hospitals in Philadelphia, Dr. Kornblueh and his associates have administered negative-ion treatments to hundreds of patients suffering from hay fever or bronchial asthma. Of the total, 63 percent have experienced partial to total relief. "They come in sneezing, eyes watering, noses itching, worn out from lack of sleep, so miserable they can hardly walk," one doctor told me. "Fifteen minutes in front of the negative-ion machine and they feel so much better they don't want to leave."

It was RCA's Dr. Hansell who, in 1932, stumbled upon the behavioral effects of artificially generated ions. He notice a startling swing in the moods of a fellow RCA scientist who worked beside an electrostatic generator. Some days the scientist finished work alert and in bubbling good spirits. On other days he was rude, ill-tempered, depressed. Dr. Hansell investigated found that the scientist was happy when the generator was adjusted to produce negative ions, morose when it was producing positive ions. A few months later, reports of ionization research in Europe confirmed the strange experience.

A few years ago atmospheric ions became suddenly important to military, researchers in environmental medicine. How would they affect men locked in submarines? In space ships? What were the possibilities of ions therapy? Research programs multiplied, with fantastic results. In Philadelphia Dr. Kornblueh studied brain-wave patterns and found evidence that negative ions tranquilized persons in severe pain. In one dramatic test he held a negative ionizer to the nose and mouth of a factory worker who had been rushed to Northeastern Hospital with second-degree steam burns on his back and legs. In minutes the pain was gone. Morphine, customarily administered in such cases, was never necessary. Today all burn cases at Northeastern are immediately put in a windowless, ion conditioned room. In ten minutes, usually, the pain has gone. Patients are left in the room for 30 minutes. The treatment is repeated three times every 24 hours. In 85 percents of the cases no pain-deadening narcotics are needed. Says Northeastern's Dr. Robert McGowan, "Negative ions make burns dry out faster, heal faster and with less scarring. They also reduce the need for skin-grafting. They make the patient more optimistic. He sleeps better." Encouraged by this success in burn therapy, Dr. Kornblueh, Dr. J. R. Minehart, Northeastern's chief surgeon, and his associate Dr. T. A. David boldly tried negative ions in relief of deep, postoperative pain. During an eight month test period they exposed 138 patients to negative ions on the first and second days after surgery. Dr. Kornblueh has just announced the results at a London congress of bioclimatologists. In 79 cases 57 percent of the total negative ions eliminated or drastically reduced pain."At first," says Dr. Minehart, "I thought it was voodoo. Now I'm convinced that it's real and revolutionary." Experiments by Dr. Albert P. Krueger and Dr. Richard F. Smith at the University of California have shown how ionization affects those sensitive to airborne allergens. Our bronchial tubes and trachea, or windpipe, are lined with tiny filaments called cilia. The cilia normally maintain a whip like motion of about 900 beats a minute. Together with mucus, they keep our air passages free of dust and pollen. Krueger and Smith exposed tracheal tissue to negative ions, found that the ciliary beat was speeded up 1200 a minute and that mucus flow was increased. Doses of positive ions produced the opposite effect: ciliary beat slowed to 600 a minute or less; the flow of mucus dropped.  In experiments that may prove important in cancer research. Drs. Krueger and Smith also discovered that cigarette smoke slows down the cilia and impairs their ability to clear foreign, and possibly carcinogenic (cancer-inducing), substances from the lungs.

Positive ions, administered along with cigarette smoke, lowered the ciliary beat as before, but from three to ten time faster than in normal air. Negative ions however, counteracted the effects of the smoke. Observed Dr. Krueger, "The agent in cigarette smoke that slows down the ciliary beat is not known.

Whatever it may be, its action is effectively neutralized by negative ions, which raise the ciliary beat as well in a heavy atmosphere of cigarette smoke as they do in fresh air." Robert O?Brien The Rotarian Ways to rebalance the bodies electromagntics: Walking bare foot on the beach or on grass or soil. Wet grass is great. Go to Mountains Swim in the ocean Spend time around waterfalls. Spraying water into the air can release negative ions Buying a negative ioniser Exercise in the fresh air, eg outdoors Spend time in a forest Negative ions are exceedingly beneficial for a person's metabolism as a means of enhancing human behavior. They act in a complex mechanism to bring about hormone and biochemical reactions in the body and brain. It is impossible to get an overdose of negative ions, which act like pure water in washing away dirty poisons.

Generally, the more negative ions you are exposed to, the better and more uplifted you feel.


Motivational Kinesiology Level One has a Ionisation correction.