
The Way Of The Gentle Warrior.

The heroes journey plays a vital role in the development of human evolution. It is the basis of most movies, books and stories. The journey is one of courage, faith and determination. The Way of the Warrior (male or female) is a return to our source, a deep, lonely voyage down the path less travelled and across uncharted waters. It is a deep and profound recognition of the higher truths hidden in plain sight. The Way of the Warrior is not for the fainthearted, there is no easy option. It is total commitment to the highest and best qualities we hold within us. This is shown beautifully in the movie, The Last Samurai starring Tom Cruise.

Those on this path are not ordinary people, although to the uninitiated their path is hidden, their skills and talent go unnoticed. The seekers of the truth impact their world, they change people?s lives in ways unseen and unknown to those on the highway to nothingness.

The Warrior stands out, yet in ways not always recognised, they are the true thought leaders, the influencers, the lighthouses, guiding the unknowing away from the rocks of destruction. The Warrior is a strange being to most, part human, part Angel, part God. They live in the twilight, dancing between the dark and the light, but always firmly planted the the Higher Qualities of the Human condition. Part human, part spiritual, the truth seekers are always reaching for the highest and best in themselves and working in the shadows to guide those in their sphere of influence to be their very best. Again watch the Last of the Samurai.

The Warrior is a blend of the divine Masculine and Feminine, logical, rational and fully in touch with their intuition. This is displayed best in the martial arts, the delicate balance of mind, body and soul.

Books such as The Way of the Peaceful Warrior, Johnathon Livingstone Seagull, Illusions, The Go Givers, The Magician?s Way and movies such as The Secret, What the Bleep, Top Gun, The Last Samurai, Kung Fu Panda, The Karate Kid all point us to the Secret of the Warriors Way.

Whilst many undertake the Warriors Journey few fully grasp the final destination. The Way of the Warrior is the Path of Love in all its colours, hues and tones. The sole purpose of life is to Love. It is the Alpha and the Omega and everything in-between. So in reality most are on the same journey, the only difference, some know which bus they are on.

Whilst the Warrior will fight to the death, like the Templars of old, they will never back down, never surrender while their banner flies.They give no quarter and expect none. Being willing to die and they fully live. This is opposite to the majority of people, who spend their lives fearing death and missing life as it passes them by. 

Understanding the deeper truths the Warrior has a highly developed spiritual aspect, they comprehend there is a higher source, something greater than themselves, a divine connection. They realise everything is connected, something greater than themselves guides their decisions and actions. They see the world differently. Their inner knowing is trusted and used to guide the actions.

In past times the Warrior went to war against an outside force, another army or country. In these more subtle energies of the present day the journey is inward and in then process mastering the outside world. A Warrior when connected to their inner Strength is unshakable, unmovable and untouched by the outside world.